Laundry list
Complete all other missions

Kill a large dinosaur with a dagger

Fly through 20 hoops

Missing scenes
Find 6 missing film reels

Bug off
Conquer the Nukular ant hive

Guide 10 enemies into flaming turrets

Show me your moves
Parry 20 enemy attacks

King of the tower
Defeat the Mega-Gorilla

With guns blazing
Max out 3 projectile weapons

Good shot
Destroy 10 target boards

Watch out
Remove 5 apes with watches from the set

As in games!
Kill 10 enemies by jumping on them make an omelet
Destroy all the mutant dinosaur eggs

Little island
Find the castaway ape

Collateral damage
Kill 3 enemies with parried projectiles

Fell for it
Defeat the Mechameleon

Bigger sticks
Max out 3 melee weapons

Even better shot
Destroy 25 target boards

Super Hoopster
Fly through 50 hoops

Explosive efficiency
Kill 3 enemies with one landmine

Reach t' captain
Reach the captain of the ghost pirate ship

Bad Science
Destroy Dr. Schopenstein's replicator

Cephalopod slayer
Defeat the gigantic mutant octopus

Dramatic rescuer
Rescue Dick from the Mega-Gorilla