Collect every remnant in a playthrough.

Collect the thirteen cursed photos.

Collect the minimum number of remnants in a playthrough.

Lone Wolf
Finish the game using only a single flare.

No Stone Unturned
Collect every single remnant.

Thick Skinned
Survive 50 witch attacks.

A Bright Idea
Use a flare to keep a witch away.

Finish the game on Hard difficulty.

Use a glowstick to unveil a secret.

Just Like Your Mother...
Confront Dr. Mercer and learn the truth.

Outpatient Procedure
Escape the hospital.

Prison Break
Escape the prison.

Breath of Fresh Air
Escape the sewers.

Out of the Woods
Escape the forest.

Full Circle
Finish the game on any difficulty.

Picture of Health
Finish the game without dying.