1 / 3 / 9

Are you Kidding ?!
Fail with the same score as your personal best

Tee Hee Hee
Get a score of 69

Year of the Dragon
Slice the secret fruit!

Over Achiever
Get a score over 400 after all bonuses in arcade mode

Under Achiever
Get a score less than 20 after all bonuses in arcade mode

Bomb Magnet
Hit three bombs and score over 250 after all bonuses in arcade mode

Moment of Zen
Achieve a score of 200 in Zen Mode

Lucky Ninja
Get 6 criticals in one round of classic mode

Deja Vu
Kill 4 of the same type of fruit in a row in classic mode

Friend or Foe
Invite a Friend and Defeat them in an Online match

Combo Mambo
Slice 6 fruit in a combo

Fruit Annihilation
Kill 10000 Fruit Total

Unlock all Blades and Backgrounds