Echelon Elite
Unlock all trophies.

Stealth Operative
Complete all missions without raising an alarm even once.

Passive Aggression
Complete the game without having more than 3 fatal casualties per level.

Echelon Mercenary
Complete the game in Hard difficulty.

Complete the game without using a single medikit.

Echelon Recruit
Complete the game in Normal difficulty.

Complete the Police Station Mission.

Complete the Georgian Defense Ministry.

Complete the GFO Oil Rig mission.

Secret Service
Complete the CIA Headquarters mission.

Complete the Kalinatek mission.

Power Struggle
Complete the Chinese Embassy mission.

Secured Assets
Complete the Mouke Tsoe Bo Meat mission.

Complete the Return to Chinese Embassy.

Sealed Fate
Complete the Presidential Palace mission.

Urban Legend
Complete the game without dying more than 5 times.

Field Agent
Pick lock on 25 doors.

Cyber Warfare
Collect data stick from 47 computer terminals.

Adrenaline Rush
Put down 10 enemies once they noticed you, before they raise the alarm.

Pinpoint Specialist
Get 25 headshots.

Fatal Embrace
Perform 100 captures.

Surgical Strike
Take out 13 opponents by jumping from above them.

Kill 11 enemies with grenades.

Destroy 25 light Sources.

Privacy Matters
Disable 25 unguarded cameras.

Friendly Chats
Interrogate 5 victims.

Disarm 15 wallmines.

inHuman menace
Disable 10 turret sentry guns.

Complete Kalinatek mission using only 5.7 mm Pistol.

Charged up
Take out 10 guards using the Sticky Shocker.

"Knock, knock"
Peek under 10 doors.

"Over here!"
Capture 10 guards investigating the disturbance.

"Passing through"
Complete Training Course without getting failed.

Peace Stalker
Complete the Police Station mission without firing a bullet.

Active Duty
Complete Training Course.

Non-existent Target
Complete Oil Refinery mission without losing health.

Data hacker
Collect 50 data sticks.