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All-NBA Trophy
Earn every trophy in NBA 2K10.

20 Ranked Matches Trophy
Win 20 ranked matches total.

Yao Ming Trophy
Record at least 20 pts, 10 rebs and 3 blks with Yao Ming.

Sprite Slam Dunk Trophy
Win the Dunk Contest using LeBron James.

LeBron James Trophy
Record at least 25 pts, 8 rebs, and 8 assts with LeBron James.

Kobe Bryant Trophy
Record at least 50 pts with Kobe Bryant.

Kevin Durant Trophy
Record at least 35 pts and 6 rebs with Kevin Durant.

G Performance Trophy
Record at least 25 pts, 3 stls and 2 blks with Dwyane Wade.

Dwight Howard Trophy
Record at least 20 pts, 15 rebs and 3 blks with Dwight Howard.

Dunk-Off Trophy
Defeat any challenger in a Dunk-Off.

Dirk Nowitzki Trophy
Record at least 30 pts and 8 rebs with Dirk Nowitzki.

Deron Williams Trophy
Record at least 20 pts and 12 assts with Deron Williams.

Danny Granger Trophy
Record at least 30 pts, 3 threes and 2 blks with Danny Granger.

Chris Paul Trophy
Record at least 20 pts, 10 assts and 3 stls with Chris Paul.

Carmelo Anthony Trophy
Record at least 40 pts with Carmelo Anthony.

Brandon Roy Trophy
Record at least 25 pts and 6 assts with Brandon Roy.

10 Ranked Matches Trophy
Win 10 ranked matches total.

Training Camp Trophy
Complete Training Camp in My Player.

Track Meet Trophy
Score at least 20 fastbreak points with any team.

Summer Circuit Trophy
Complete Summer Circuit in My Player.

Second Unit Trophy
Score at least 40 bench points with any team.

Rookie Challenge Trophy
User controlled Rookie team must beat the Sophomores at All-Star difficulty or higher.

Rebound +10 Trophy
Win the rebound battle by a margin of +10 with any team.

Ranked Match Trophy
Win one online ranked match

Play in the NBA Trophy
Play in an NBA game in My Player.

Pick-up Game Trophy
Win one online pick-up game.

Lockdown Trophy
Record at least 5 blocks and 5 steals with any team.

Lights Out Trophy
FG% over 60% for the game [min 40 FGA's] with any team.

It's Better to Give Trophy
Share any file type through 2K Share.

Inside Domination Trophy
Score at least 70 points in the paint with any team.

Ice Water Trophy
FT% over 85% with at least 10 FTA's with any team.

Good Teammate Trophy
Earn a positive "teammate rating" in the online Team Mode.

Good Hands Trophy
Record at least 20 assists with no more than 5 turnovers with any team.

East vs West Trophy
User controlled team from either side must win against opponent at All-Star difficulty or higher.

Defensive FG% Trophy
Hold the opposing team's FG% below 40% with any team.

Crew Game Trophy
Win one online crew game.

Create-a-Player Trophy
Create a Player.

Celtics vs Lakers Trophy
User controlled team from either side must win against opponent at All-Star difficulty or higher.

All-Hustle Trophy
Record at least 5 offensive rebounds, 5 blocks and 5 steals with any team.

All-Heart Trophy
Start the 4th period losing by 5 or more points and win the game with any team.

5 Ranked Streak Trophy
Win 5 ranked matches in a row.

5 Ranked Matches Trophy
Win 5 ranked matches total.

3pt Shootout Trophy
Win the 3pt Shootout.

30 Assists Trophy
Record 30 assists or more with any team.

3-for-All Trophy
Make at least 10 3pt FG's while shooting at least 45% from 3pt range with any team.

3 Ranked Streak Trophy
Win 3 ranked matches in a row.

2K Beats Playlist Trophy
Create a 2K Beats Playlist.

15 Threes Trophy
Make 15 three pointers or more with any team.

15 Steals Trophy
Record 15 steals or more with any team.

10 Blocks Trophy
Record 10 blocks or more with any team.